Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tertiary High School

This is what we are currently doing with the tertiary high school students at the moment. So far Scott and I have been really impressed by how well the students have been working and really engaging in the work we are setting them. We have made it more revolved around technology, using Prezi's which I have put on the blog to show you and also their blogs as well.

I can't wait to see what type of event they organise and am really enjoying watching their work progress.

Follow their work throught the prezi, it has access to their group Prezi's and also their reflections.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Our last Design and Delivery Class

We watched this the other night in class and it was a really refreshing and inspirational presentation to watch for our last class.

Ngahi Bidois talks on leadership and there are three parts in his talk that stand out for me. The first being about how he became who he is today and his influences when he was growing up, looking at proverbs, people and purpose and looking into the mirror and asking the right questions to increase your influence.

I think at some stage in our lives we have all had someone or somebody say to us "you can't do that" and it was inspiring to see Ngahi pull him self away from the negative put downs and believe in himself. This was mainly due to his grandma who said "The thought creates the person"-and then said "it doesn't matter what other people think of you it matters what you think of you". The mind is a powerful tool and I believe that if you understand yourself and who you are as a person you can achieve anything you want to. His story talks about how he went from this high flying job to having no money at all and having to receive food parcels then again rising to becoming a motivational leadership presenter. He talks about how he turned his back on his heritage and culture, so then takes a year off to learn the Maori language and become one with his culture. He then asked "who have you turned your back on?" I think most of us can say at some stage we have turned our backs on somebody who needed us. As a teacher there will always be students you click with and who understand what you are teaching and you tend to focus more on those students. There are also those students who maybe don't get as much of our time as you think, or maybe don't feel as valued as other students in the class. I think this has been a great lesson in regards to embracing all students no matter their ability and give everybody and I mean everybody a chance to achieve. To not turn your back on people and to give everyone you meet a chance.

Who is your eagle? was another question raised in the presentation. It was referring to who are those people who influence you. For me being a beginning lecturer here at MIT I have colleagues above me with years of experience and knowledge and feel empowered by the department I work in. They have all come from different backgrounds with outstanding amounts of experience in the sporting industry and feel lucky to be working along side them so that I can better my learning. Its not only people who I work with but people who surround me with their skills and success in other areas that I really look up too.

Overall the design and delivery paper has given us some great tools to utalise in our teaching area's even if we are lacking in technology, it just challenges us to think outside the square and be more creative with how we teach our content to better our students.

Another interesting video on Ngahihi o te ra Bidois who describes himself as a Modern day Warrior. He has been a manager in a multinational oil company, a teacher and Head of Department in a secondary school, a Kura Kaupapa Maori teacher, an Academic Adviser and a senior manager in the tertiary Education sector.

A few inspirational quotes from some of histories great leaders!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Its been a While!!

Its been a while since I have made a post and reflected on my teaching practise and how I am using what we have learnt in our classes. Doesn't mean to say I haven't been thinking about it. To be honest I haven't been motivated at all to even bother with this due to a tragedy in my family.
Since I last blogged we have had some great sessions with Kate and have loved the activities we have done in those classes and will take the time to put up some reflections from those. We also had a great session with Nuddy last night that has helped us all to get back on track with our wiki's and blogs. Last nights discussion was based in the direction of evaluating our teaching spaces from our perspectives and also looking at it from our students perspectives!!
I will soon post up what we have been doing this term and what I have trialed and not trialed in classes I teach.

Till then......................

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Team Building

I find it hard trying out a lot of the activities and ideas we talk about and do in class as a lot of my teaching is based on Practical lessons.

This week was my turn for running the Outdoors ABL sessions with the Certificate class. I decided to make my focus on using initiative, team work and problem solving.
I choose two activities that required less moving around and then a high energy game for the last part of the session so they would finish on a high. We do two days of this and the class is split into two streams. It was really interesting seeing the difference in the streams and how they handled the activities. We did Traffic Jam, Toxic Waste and Balloon Train. With Stream 2 on Thursday we also did Balloon Stomp as we had extra time.

Some of the groups worked really well together and some of the groups gave up quite easily and wanted to know the answers then and there. Their was frustration from people and also delight when the light bulb came on when they figured out the solution to the activity!!

It was also really interesting seeing them doing Initiative games as they require a lot of patience and team work to get to the end solution. It was really important in the session to keep the group moving on the activities and keeping them engaged before they got distracted. You very quickly see who takes lead in these types of activities and who stands back and doesn't have any input.

One Element that I should of made sure of was back up activities or things to do if one group finished faster than the others. Teaching to all abilities can be a hard task at times, however because we do a lot of team teaching it takes some pressure off.

I found a huge difference in the groups from the Wednesday to the Thursday. Some days they come in really competitive and motivated and noisy and other days they come in really flat and you have to really encourage them.

Monday, May 24, 2010

What we know about Learning and Teaching

Now for the thinking behind the learning……

In order for learning to take place there are many key factors that need to take place for the student to benefit. In our last session we looked at the strategies for learning to take place and the 4 key skills were:

1. Lots of beginnings
2. Lots of endings
3. Repetition
4. Stand out and meaningful

As a group we looked at the thinking behind the learning and how all the different skills and areas inter link. Our group decided that for learning to take place we need to find out who the students are and how the teacher goes about the teaching and learning. Through this there are the different ways students learn and then the culture of the class is set up. Once we have set up an environment for learning the information then develops in knowledge. Through students gaining knowledge they are able to give feedback and reflect on their learning

"You can’t pick up knowledge ready made
as if from a supermarket , you have
to make your own knowledge."
Derek Rountree

As a group we didn't agree with this quote as for myself as a learner and teacher I think you are expanding on exisiting knowledge and through your learning processes you gain knowledge. You have to start somewhere and through different learning enviroments. As a student you slowly progress with your knowledge, it doesn't just get made up. Watch this space as my teaching delelops over the year and I change some of these ideas around.

WHY WE DO IT? The thinking behind learning session 4!!

In our Design and Delivery class we are looking at where learning takes place and how we set up our class environments and how we can affect learning. We did some great activities that also looked at where learning comes from and then the approaches and climates to this learning. In my group we came up with these ideas as to where learning comes from…………..
Learning for me is created through classroom culture and how the teacher presents the content that needs to be learnt. Coming from an education system that taught you through didactic teaching methods I don’t feel like I learnt to my full potential due to the class environments that were set up. Having continued with further study after my school education I have learnt that I am a kinaesthetic and tactile learner, I learn from doing and seeing. This type of learning has been around for centuries..........

Confucius said: ‘I hear and I forget
I see and I remember
I do and I understand ’ 450 BC

This is something I’m aware of when I am teaching and trying to cater for the different learning styles and abilities. It can be hard in a class of 40 students however through getting students to engage in different learning activities this can be achieved. In my lectures last week I did a range of activities where they had to brainstorm information and then present to the class, group work and worksheet activities that were fun. Its trying to make sure they are all engaged in their practical sessions that can be a struggle as they are all at different levels of fitness. I try to do this by keeping the instructions short and sweet, demonstrate the the exercises and allow them to get a feel for the exercises so the students develop in their technique and skill and have more confidence to exercise correctly. As you can see from the chart below 50% of what is retained in a class is from seeing and hearing and the percentage gets higher as you work with others and use the theory in a practical sense. This concept is not an old concept and shows that what we teach needs to be meaningful in order for students to retain the knowledge we give them, so they can pass their learning on.

Most people learn …
10% of what they read
20% of what they hear
30% of what they see
50% of what they see and hear
70% of what they talk over with others
80% of what they use and do in real life
95% of what they teach someone else

Source: Attributed to William Glasser; quoted by Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development Guide 1988.


Creating the right classroom environment is really important for a student to get the most benefits from their learning. If a safe and friendly culture is created then the students will be more open to expressing their views as well as taking responsibility for their learning needs.

Although my continuum tends to sway more towards a theory x culture I feel it depends on the type of students you are teaching. I initially thought I would sway more towards Theory Y where you teach and give your students the freedom of learning, however because I am teaching at a lower level the students need focus and a lot of direction and motivation to complete tasks.
For example I have just spent a week in the lecture theatre teaching the principles and components of fitness and how to train more efficiently before the students start their training. As a part of their course completion they need to hand in a completed work sheet at the end of every session in order to finish their assessment. Majority of the the students hand in their sheets completed, however it takes a lot of direction from myself and my colleagues who are also teaching with me and also a lot of motivation and encouraging in class to get this done. These students need to be kept busy in order to gain knowledge from the lecture so we keep them busy doing group work, presentations and tasks that have them working in pairs.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Looking at Theory X and Theory Y in relation to setting the Class Environment. Theory X is at the more strict end of the continuum and Theory Y is towards the more negotiable end. I think with different teaching climates you want to creat a balance where you students are comfortable with you and their peers and feel safe to express their views and also still have structure and focus in place for learning to occur.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Applying 80/20 to the Students Learning

Dear Blog,

Yesterday we had just over 40 students doing fitness testing in the lab that fits comfortably maybe 10-15. We split the group into half and following the 80/20 rule we gave the students their instructions and then let them get on with their tasks. Through facilitating help and instruction when needed the students happily engaged and got on with the work that was required for that lesson (even if it may have looked a bit chaotic). Having done two days of fitness testing with this group and realising that it was too many at one time, next time we will split the group so they are testing on two different days. As part of their lesson they are requited to fill in their worksheets and hand them in at the end as these worksheets go towards their credits at the end.
These students are apart of the foundation programme and I think its really important to facilitate practical lessons for these students as they loose focus quickly if you talk to them for too long. Next week will be interesting as it will all be based in the classroom all week providing them with the tools for their training sessions……………….. I’m sure I will have lots to reflect on this time next week!!!

The Journey of an E-Portfolio

Dear Blog,

I am about to start on a blogging excursion through cyber space and this is my first blogging experience and I feel a little nervous about it. For our CTT assessment we are required to set up an E-Portfolio where we reflect on our teaching and learning practises and hopefully others will follow the process and share their learnings.
The other night we looked at interactive learning spaces compared to the old school lecture theatres and how this affects students learning. Coming from a PE and Health teaching background I am more of a Tactile or kinaesthetic learner and love learning in a space where you can interact and learn with others, rather than sitting in a lecture theatre where you don’t interact with others and you are required to sit and listen then regurgitate the information you have learnt. I still feel there is a place for this type of learning however in smaller doses!! I have a tendency to start fidgeting then start getting distracted………
Due to the content of what I have been teaching my classes are over the 80/20 rule in practical already and its finding a way to engage learning in a class environment when so many of my lessons are already practical and the students aren’t so keen on putting those theories to paper. This is where I need to start looking at deeper questioning and engage the students in the processes behind getting fit!!