

This is an assessment that we have re-designed for the Tertiary High school students sports elective. Its running at the moment and so far going really well.

Assessment Tasks

Plan within a group and implement a recreation event for the SSTS
Implementation of event and all planning and reflections are due on:
19th of November 2010

• You will be assessed in Groups using three methods of Assessment:

TASK 1: Written Assignment – Event Plan:
You are required to complete each stage of the planning process, which will include all of the work you do towards planning your event. This must include:

• Target group and Event Objectives

• Introduction including: Safety, Behavioral Management, Timetable and Event Location.

• Activities and modifications to these activities,

• Contingency plan and strategies on maximising participation.

• Full resources list. This should include venue, equipment and personnel requirements.

TASK 2. Practical Assessment – Event Implementation

• You will be assessed on your practical implementation of the event.

Assessment sheet is attached.

TASK 3. Reflection Portfolio

You are required to produce a portfolio on a minimum 6 reflections throughout the planning and implementation of the event process. This can be done in the form of a blog, wiki, prezi presentation, video diary or written journal. Your reflections must include:

• Personal and group reflections against the objectives, own performance, personal attributes, event planning process and implementation of event. This must include examples and suggestions for improvement.

• Personal performance, skills learnt, examples and suggestions for improvement.

Resources: Websites:,,,


Last week we were in our design and delivery class and our session was based around our assessment which is an e-portfolio. The session helped us to focus where our blogs are supposed to be going and type of information that was required in them.

So having focused on our blogs I went through my blog and to be honest its looking pretty neglected at the moment. So it got me thinking about what we do in our teaching and learning and reflecting on that.

I thought I had done at least one blog on Assessment and found that I hadn't done one blog on Assessment at all!!! Its got me concerned in regards to my feeling of not gaining anything from this course.

Its states that the LEARNING OUTCOMES from this course are: 

1. Engage in informed debate regarding the purposes and principles of assessment

2. Critically analyse the assessment design of courses across a range of discipline contexts.

3.Apply the skills of critical analysis to the assessment of courses and programmes in their own discipline

4. Create an effective assessment design for their discipline/course
Next term we are doing Event Management Unit based around the schools partnership programme they run through secondary school in Auckland. We have re-designed their assessment and have found this a frustrating and confusing exercise.
Having come from a secondary school teaching background the formats and set out of the Assessments for this unit are familiar however its putting it into MIT Tertiary Lanugage that is the hard part, and making sure you have dotted your I's and crossed your T's!!! We have talked to collegues about the assessment and also talked to our Senior Academic Managers in regards of their opinion on designing this assessment. So far we are on the right track and its looking really good.

Reasons for Assessment:

  • To guide your teaching
  • Accountability
  • Classify performance
  • Improve learning
  • To certify for the nect stage
Formative: is continuous Assessing of something.
Summative: measures what was learnt at the end.